Friday, June 10, 2011

Question from Email

Greetings, ALL!

I have decided to answer the following email:

"thanks for posting this valuable information. in my current housing situation i believe that my landlord enters my room when I am away at work. One day I put an object behind the door as I left and when i cam back home i put my finger under the door and it was not where i left it. from that i know that this woman has been in my room...what should i do?"


Well, Reader, thanks for reading my blog. I do not suggest any sort of physical abuse of that sort towards your landlord. I suggest that begin your search for a new room to gain more privacy. On one of your off days, make a big fuss about going to work and bring in a shopping bag (filled with plastic grocery bags or anything) to give this woman the impression that you have some "new material in the room". If you have a camera place it on record and leave for about an hour or so. Come back and view the footage and if this woman has been in your room you will have the confirmation. After you move I would suggest suing her in small claims court for violation of privacy. With video evidence you could get up to $9,999 without a trial by jury. Claim that you were "emotionally disturbed" by this violation of your landlord and to add validity to your claim go and see a therapist so that you can "prove" that your were mentally affected.

I bet this would keep the nosy lady out of her tenant's room.

Items you will need:

1. Room rental agreement
2. Proof that you have been living there (if you do not have a rental agreement)
3. The video evidence
4. A police report (when you are getting to move out)
5. A smile and great attitude.

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